Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spring Rains--by Andy

Spring has arrived, but it has been raining for unusually many days. The sky is always gray and gloomy, and many people are sick and under the weather. In general, everyone agrees it's just "bad weather" and California shouldn't be like this. We are all surprised at this long stretch of spring rains and wonder when it's going to be over.

I can now hear the raindrops striking hard on the roof outside the window. It's late at night, and after having spent some time in the word looking for comfort and hope, I decided to type up an entry, hopefully something encouraging to you if you were like me, trodden and weary looking for some hope and comfort to carry you another day.

It's unlike me to be encouraging, but I'll give it a try. Many good christians often end their day kneeling by their bed recounting their blessings throughout the day and thanking God for them. For me at the end of my day, my bad habit has me sitting on my bed counting my sins and wondering where God has been. I can be doing this until I am too tired and decide I need to sleep. On good days, I open the bible and look for God.

Well, tonight was probably a good night. God saw how hopeless and tired I was and mercifully broke through my stubbornness. I opened the bible, and as the spring rain poured, He came to me.


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