My mom left for Hong Kong last night and we are missing her good company and great cooking. She said she had never experienced such heat in her life as this one we just had. We all had to camp downstairs since the rooms upstairs were nearly 100 degrees even at 9 in the evening. Andy hasn't given the green light for installing A/C. And I am learning to give thanks in all circumstances. Here's a funny picture of Caleb enjoying the 90-degree pool water with Por-Por and Daddy on a hot day. And another one playing ball with Por-Por at a local park. We finally escaped to San Francisco for an afternoon of cooling relief at the Golden Gate Bridge. I think my mom will think twice before coming again in the summer!

Thank you God for the heat you send and for ways you provide for our cooling--thank you for this common grace. And it reminds me of the fact that I deserve wrath and eternal fire that is infinitely hotter than this heat wave. I am humbled by your saving grace.
And thank you God we can easily chat with and see families over the internet in this day and age. Looking forward to Por-Por's next visit!
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