Saturday, August 05, 2006

Today's Motherhood

The title of yesterday's program on The Albert Mohler Radio Program caught my attention and so I listened to it. (It was my first time listening to Al Mohler's show and boy, does he speak fast!) It was on "motherhood" and a discussion that started with an article written by a mother who claims motherhood to be boring her to death. Similar sentiments are expressed in today's world where too many mothers are finding their career more interesting, fulfilling, and necessary than being a stay-at-home mom. In my fallen nature, I can understand and identify with many of these sentiments. I grew up in an environment where many of my girlfriends are well-educated and have prestigous careers such as being doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants etc. One time in a highschool reunion gathering, a girlfriend of mine commented to me in regard to homemaking, "You can actually cook?!" And another said, "I don't know how you do it." And all those who live in the Bay Area now and have children are working full-time with live-in nannies taking care of their children at home because they either find their career more attractive or cannot handle the stress and hardwork of child caring. So is today's motherhood. And I personally struggle with it as well because of my fallenness. But as I am reminded by what I heard from Al Mohler's program and God's Word, my decision to quit my job and be a full-time mom (though it is very hardwork for me and it means a sacrifice in the area of finance), is purely out of the conviction that it is God's calling for me as a wife and mother to take care of my husband and child for God's glory for as long as He enables and wills.

Everyone would agree that being a mother is no easy feat. Out of my fallen nature, I'd rather do the things I like than to play an unending silly game with my child. Without the restraining power of the Holy Spirit, I'd be screaming at a fussy or disobedient child instead of teaching him with kindness and gentleness. The list goes on with all the different roles a mother plays in the rearing of a child in the Lord. And I cannot live a single day of motherhood without relying on God's mercy and His grace.



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