My Great Treasure

I am grateful for the message preached in these two books-- that seeing and savoring Christ is my ultimate treasure. He Himself is the Gift. In the midst of physical trials, there are times I say to myself, I will feel better when the weather gets better. But after a week of sunny weather, I don't find my body feeling better. There are times during the day I say to myself, I will feel better when Andy gets home and provides some relief. But as the next day comes along, my body does not necessarily feel better, even with medications or other human means. Surely God can use these different things as means of grace to me, but ultimately, He is training me to see Him, for He knows that is truly what is satisfying to me and glorifying to Him. It is a difficult fight but a biblical one and a God-glorifying one. And I know I am "struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." (Colossians 1:29) He is the One who fights in and for me. And when all is said and done, it is by His grace that I am what I am (1 Corinthians 15:10). Thank you to those remembering and praying for me. God is our great treasure.