Monday, July 31, 2006

Getting Started

Now that my mom has returned to Hong Kong and all the major summer family activities have subsided, and realizing once again that my engineering career has ended, and while waiting for God's timing in the healing of my post-surgery GI problems, I tell myself I'd better get a homeschooling routine started before I slip into a slack-off mode. So started today, I actually made up a daily schedule for Caleb and me to follow. He got really excited about all the color-coded activities on the schedule of which I made two copies (one posted on the wall in his room so he gets to see it when he wakes up and one posted on the fridge so we can refer to it throughout the day).

One particular activity I put on the schedule is a morning worship time. We prayed together this morning, read Psalm 1 from this Family Worship Bible that was given to us as a wedding gift 12 years ago, and sang a song in the music section at the end of the bible. Caleb actually recited Psalm 1 with me since that was part of his learned Foundation Verses.

Another activity I've included is phonics since Caleb has learned all his alphabets early on and has been showing interests in learning how to read. Thanks to our friends' recommendation, I've started using The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading with Caleb and am liking it.

Well, this first day has not been easy but by God's grace we are both learning in many ways.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Missing Por-Por"

My mom left for Hong Kong last night and we are missing her good company and great cooking. She said she had never experienced such heat in her life as this one we just had. We all had to camp downstairs since the rooms upstairs were nearly 100 degrees even at 9 in the evening. Andy hasn't given the green light for installing A/C. And I am learning to give thanks in all circumstances. Here's a funny picture of Caleb enjoying the 90-degree pool water with Por-Por and Daddy on a hot day. And another one playing ball with Por-Por at a local park. We finally escaped to San Francisco for an afternoon of cooling relief at the Golden Gate Bridge. I think my mom will think twice before coming again in the summer!

Thank you God for the heat you send and for ways you provide for our cooling--thank you for this common grace. And it reminds me of the fact that I deserve wrath and eternal fire that is infinitely hotter than this heat wave. I am humbled by your saving grace.

And thank you God we can easily chat with and see families over the internet in this day and age. Looking forward to Por-Por's next visit!


Friday, July 07, 2006


We recently discovered the Together for the Gospel Blog/Ministry/Conference hosted by Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, C. J. Mahaney, and Albert Mohler. Andy purchased the 7 mp3 messages for the main sessions given at the 2006 Conference and I have been listening to the powerful messages given by these four men plus guest speakers John MacArthur, John Piper, and R. C. Sproul. Even though the targeted audience of the conference is mainly pastors and ministers of God's Word, I am enjoying every word spoken by these wonderful messengers of God, for when Truth is preached faithfully, the power penetrates to the soul no matter what sphere of life one is in. I pray for God's continuing use of these men and their ministries in this generation where human wisdom and philosophies have so often replaced the gospel on the pulpit.


"Gung-Gung and Por-Por are Visiting!"

My mom and dad are visiting us from Hong Kong for a month. The best part for me is being able to enjoy my mom's cooking and not having to cook! I count it God's blessing.

We also spent a few days in the Monterey Peninsula for a family reunion on my mom's side. There were 14 of us and we had a blessed time together. Caleb enjoyed playing at the beach with all his uncles and aunties.

Thank you God for family.
