Monday, August 14, 2006

Everyone did as he saw fit

Last week during an ultrasound exam, I had a conversation with the technician on the topic of homeschooling. He made a few comments in regard to public schools nowadays. He said one is supposed to go to school to learn, but the schools nowadays are "totally screwed up" in his own words.

On my way home from the exam, I was listening to the radio and there so happened to be a special news report on what is known as "Backyard Wrestling" where teenagers would gather in someone's backyard and stage wrestling matches by whacking keyboards, fluorescent tubes, and the like on each other, and even set fire on themselves, all obviously without any adult supervision. One of the teenagers being interviewed said he does it because he's not good at any sports and this is one way for him to find friends. A mother who was being interviewed actually said her teenage son was paralyzed recently from being involved in Backyard Wrestling.

It was heart-wrenching hearing the stories and to be thinking about the state of today's schools and teenage world. I was reading the book of Judges in my devotion last week and when I came to the recurring verses which say, "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit," I was soberly being reminded of my responsibility as a Christian parent in bringing up my child in the instruction and admonition of the Lord. Left to himself, my child's heart tends only towards evil. Without the Lord as his King, he would do as he sees fit. The same goes with my own sinful heart. Lord have mercy!



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