Happy New Year of 2007! Caleb and I started this new year with coughs and colds, and Andy is grateful for God's mercy on his bronchi thus far.

Since Caleb and I didn't make it to church with Andy this past Sunday, for the first time, we tried downloading John Piper's video
sermon the night before and Andy set it up on our projector so Caleb and I actually watched John Piper preach his new year message in 2006 on Sunday morning. If just listening to Piper is enough to make his passion for God's glory contagious, imagine being able to watch him in action!

New year resolutions for 2007?--"More love to Thee, O Christ," as echoed in Elizabeth Prentiss' famous hymn. I just started reading her
biography for a sisters' study group in which God has so graciously placed me by the invitation of a dear sister. I hope to write more about what I am learning from God through the book. But for now, I am reminded that I, though still suffering from physical illness, am not exempt from God's call and His commands to love. I tend to give excuses for my lack of patience and kindness during times of physical trials, now more so as a mother. God's commands are not conditional. I am called to be patient and kind, not patient and kind only when I am well or when circumstances around me justify so. Yet, His commands are not burdensome, for He is the One who will give me the grace needed for all that He asks.
This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. --1 John 5:3-4
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. --2 Peter 1:3
Faith in His Word I ask, that I may abound in His love!
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